Fire Safety Training DVDs

Fire Safety Training DVDs

Fire and rescue services attended over 180,000 fires last year (2018-2019) with 253 of these unfortunately ending in fatalities. With many fire related incidents occurring in work places, it is your responsibility as a businesses owner or manager to ensure your premises is fire safe.

In order to ensure fire safety is upheld in the workplace, making sure that you have the correct measures in place means that you are adhering to fire safety regulations and that the risk of fire is reduced. Having an adequate fire safety exit route as well as fire extinguishers, first aid kits and smoke alarms are all features that are essential to upkeep of fire safety.

Having all of these measures in place are a great way to keep everyone in your business safe however, ensuring that your employees are trained in fire safety means that everyone in the building knows what to do should an emergency occur. This in turn will not only reduce the risk of fire but, also it also means that everyone will know how to quickly and safely respond to a fire.

Fire safety DVD’s are a great way to train groups of people when it comes to their safety. Following basic regulations that your staff must be shown fire safety procedures is made easier thanks to the convenience of fire safety DVD’s. Allowing you to teach groups of people in one sitting means that our DVD’s are time effective with the added bonus of not having to pay for external training. These all make fire safety DVD’s a great way of cutting costs whilst still providing first class training.

Spanning a range of sectors, our comprehensive collection of fire training packs can be applied to a range of industries. From training in the healthcare sector to hotels and schools to residential care homes, you can pick the training pack that most suits you in order to adequately train your staff.

Making the entire health and safety process smoother and faster means that you can continue working uninterrupted as a business whilst having the peace of mind knowing that your staff are as safe as possible whilst at work.

Not only do fire training DVD’s make for effective in house training but, they are also great as you can rely on them for any refresher training. Whether you conduct annual fire training to all staff within your business or, need to train new starters, a fire safety DVD can be watched as many times as necessary making it an easy solution for possible training that could be needed all year round.

Take fire safety into your own hands by browsing our training DVD range to find the best solution for you and your business.

21st Jun 2020 Christopher Maltby CW

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